Crucial Steps in Implementing a Unified Communications Cultural Shift
The advent of unified communications (UC) technology has transformed the business landscape for companies that successfully adopt and use it. These days, email, instant messaging, and social media combined with the myriad types of mobile devices can work together to create an incredibly versatile and productive work environment. But this environment, known as unified communications, is only successful if a business devotes the time, energy, and resources to implement both the physical UC solution as well as a UC-oriented cultural shift. It is estimated that roughly 80 percent of companies never fully realize their UC implementation. Why? Well, while the physical implementation of a new technology is often planned for, it’s typically assumed that users will accept the new communications system out of the box and will automatically understand its features. More often than not, this isn’t the case. Here is the problem stated as blatantly as possible: either plan for the culture shift or reap the consequences that unrealized ROI can bring. Whether your business is thinking of making the UC transition or if you are just upgrading to a new version of your current communications system, there are steps to follow to make sure everything goes both physically and culturally smoothly.
Implementing a Unified Communications Cultural Shift is not easy. Here are the Crucial Steps in Implementing a Unified Communications Cultural Shift:
1. Involve the Entire Team The first critical step in implementing a UC initiative is obtaining the needed buy-in from everyone in the company (not just the management team). The need for buy-in warrants a process that ensures consultation of all department leaders and requires they come to the same understanding in regard to the implementation. This process makes it so all stakeholders can work and learn together helping define what the vision for the UC implementation will be. But developing a clear-cut picture of the UC initiative is just a small part of this step. Once upper-management has communicated the needed information to the department leaders, these key players must then take the time to energetically and continuously communicate with their subordinates. This portion of the implementation process is the time to discover departmental knowledge on the current technology as best practices and failings, and to get employee opinions on the tools that they think would increase productivity. Topics discussed should include all of the opportunities that UC offers, even those that may not directly affect most people as daily work. Case in point: a good UC solution can help businesses realize more timely interactions (that could translate to more revenue). And if a new affordable technology is the way to contribute to more revenue, then the team can more readily get on board with the technology change than they could if they didn’t know anything about the change at all. And, when they get a look at the full picture, they begin to feel included in the actual decision-making process (which also makes them more likely to be at least interested in the new solution, if not a little excited in anticipating it).
2.Test for User Acceptance While your IT department will lead the technical aspects of the implementation, departmental leaders, and other key personnel will need to be and should be included in the piloting phase. The role of the latter is to ensure that the software is usable in a practical, real-world, day-to-day scenario. This step should include demo sessions for both senior executives, who can give big picture recommendations, as well as front-line employees. These employees are your best resource when testing new UC solutions because they can explain and highlight specific difficulties with certain tools giving you the opportunity to take note and the company to tailor the solution appropriately. Even if this project is your responsibility i.e., you are the one who knows more about it than anyone else in the company you must remain open-minded to any recommendations or criticism. In the end, a new UC solution will have to both accommodate the needs of everyone in the company more easily while also helping achieve new business objectives.
3. Market Internally There are many enterprise-level software products that are remarkably robust and dependable. The failure of a UC-oriented one is rarely the fault of the technology. Instead, the more common cause is implementers failing to impress upon their team the importance of embracing the new initiative. Everything must be planned for, and everything must be explained. The vendors, however, can’t do all the explaining themselves. The department leaders mentioned in Step One should champion the initiative, developing the messaging and communicating directly the benefits the new solution will bring to their direct reports, co-workers, and other staff. But you can’t force change. You have to win over your converts. And that requires marketing. The language and materials that you use to market your UC initiative internally can have a dramatic effect on user acceptance and can potentially win over converts. The choice of the word initiative instead of project is not accidental. The word initiative denotes more powerful and compelling reasoning than the word project, and better conveys the all-encompassing nature of a UC implementation. That vocabulary choice that we just made is actually called marketing. And when you market appropriately to the majority of your end-users, the stragglers will inevitably follow.
4. Mandate Training and Measure Afterward In general, many people hate training. When you’re in the process of implementing any new technology, you’ll find that most of your co-workers will balk at the idea of attending when the training sessions start. In the same vein, many businesses are also hesitant to make training mandatory. Regardless of how your employees will feel about it, training provides valuable information on how to shift to the new solution and gives you another opportunity to champion your new solution. So they need to be there. And if you have to give an incentive with something awesome to keep everyone happy, then that is what you should do. Making UC training fun and valuable, it is imperative that you have your vendors help during this period. It is the key to getting ultimate buy-in. However, before you count the implementation as complete, you need to measure the adoption rate. Analytically speaking this is your one chance to determine whether the UC implementation initiative was truly successful. It’s also an opportunity to identify the last pockets of employee resistance. If you want to overcome any and all lingering objections to the implementation measuring the adoption rate is the way to do it. Keep these tips in mind as you plan your UC implementation. They will make the whole process simpler and really will raise your overall chances of success.